Regulatory Compliance
What is the URL Filtering option is used for?
As the Internet becomes a social phenomenon and its influence keeps growing, the government has to control some types of content due to different reasons like national security, protection from the propaganda of terrorism, drugs, gambling. Each region has its own set of rules and restrictions.
Stingray Service Gateway has a universal solution for any requirements. The URL Filtering option is designed for filtering web resources by regulatory blacklists or customized provider’s lists.
Why VAS Experts?
Ensures compliance with governmental requirements.
Automate blacklist updates and block illegal sites in real-time.
The modular structure of the solution allows adapting to the needs of different carriers (cellular telephony, traditional telephony, data transmission, NAT, AAA).

The system works in conjunction with the SSG platform based on the technology of deep traffic inspection (DPI). Our clients receive all the functions to fulfill their needs: protection against DDoS, CG-NAT, BRAS, and others.
The VAS Experts Solution does not make any changes to the carrier’s network. Reliable high-performance x86-servers are used to filter traffic, and data storage is carried out on storage systems with support for scaling and backup.
Associated documentation